Photography Training Classes in 2025!
We are very pleased to be offering many photography training classes in 2025, in the studio, in the classroom and also out in the field! We try to keep the class sizes small so that all participants can receive individual attention. Keep checking back because new classes are added all the time!
John is a certified professional photographer with Professional Photographers of America and he is also a KelbyOne instructor, among some of the greatest photography teachers in the industry. His video training class "A Photographer's Guide to Washington DC" is available exclusively on
John is a proud member and sponsor of the KelbyOne Community and he is also a KelbyOne Photography Instructor
See both of my appearances as a special guest of Scott Kelby on The Grid below! I am also honored to be a sponsor for KelbyOne, the friendliest and most welcoming community of photographers on the web! Please consider joining our community by clicking the link below.